
Posts Tagged ‘white’

You might have seen doctors. You might have admired them too. With the glamorous portrayal of doctors be it in the silver screen or the TV screens, we have at times even considered them to be popular, well-dressed nerds. And now with the frequent visuals in news headlines: be it an attack or negligence or a new law being passed-“doctors” now have the potency of soon being the heated topic of discussion. 

July 1st is one such day in which doctors are indeed the heated topic for that day. It is celebrated as the National Doctors Day: a day dedicated to recognize the contributions and services of the physicians to the society. This is a day in which the health organizations and workers thank the doctors for their dauntless facilities. From a simple stitch to performing day long surgeries to helping in the medico-legal aspects, they come with an array of services to humankind. 

The first Doctors’ Day observance was March 30th, 1933, in Winder, Georgia. This first observance included the mailing of cards to the physician s and their wives, placing flowers at the graves of deceased doctors and formal dinner at the home of Dr and Mrs William T. Randolph. The United States still celebrate this day as the Doctor’s Day and is declared a National Holiday there. 

In India, it is celebrated to honour the legendary physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Bharat Ratna, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. Other countries like Brazil, Cuba, Iran, Vietnam and our neighbouring country, Nepal also celebrate National Doctors’ Day on varying dates. 

 While most of us consider them to be just money-makers in the name of humanity, many of us still uphold our believe in them- it is that believe which has been running through centuries-  the very fact that be it a king or a laymen, when in ailment, it is a doctor who will heal you through. It is only when we look into the innards that we see the cumbersome journey one has to go through to don the white coat and sling a stethoscope over his shoulder. From his first day in Med-school to the day he graduates, every passing day is a day to toil. Along with the classes comes an exposure to a wide range of microorganisms, carcinogens and other health hazards in that process. 

And even though it is a tough job going through all the struggles as a medico, it isn’t all bad. Medical science besides teaching us about the marvellous human body also teaches us other important values like punctuality, patience, perseverance and sacrifices. It also tutors us on dealings with people no matter how ill-tempered they are. And of course, it is high time they start teaching self defence too! Every day as a medico demands our time and focus. 

“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability”- rightly said William Osler. This metaphorically translates to: you cannot blame every bad that happened on the doctor. With the increasing attacks on the Doctors, this quote has gained relevance in our general public. Not every doctor knows the genetic machinery of his patients. Not everyone can predict a sure shot consequence of the treatment. What the doctors know is a possibility. 

       Doctors’ life is not an easy one. It is not like the sensational ones that they show in soaps and movies. Especially when he has to juggle his life and his patient’s at the same time. It is more of a vicious cycle of frustrations, anxiety and commotion. But as this Doctors Day approaches, let us change our mindsets about the life savers dressed in white and learn to pay them the respect they deserve. 

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Surrender yourself to gluttony with this cheese stuffed chicken breast platter combined with sauteed veggies and white sauce… Yum. 

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They flap their wings and sail through the waters… like they were flying through the sky… 

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I like this game of chess: it somehow relates with life. It has plans to make; it has moves to be played, checks to be given and on our moves depends the ultimate fate of winning or losing. And there are sacrifices to be made and blunders to be committed.

There’s this thing about blunders and sacrifices: both cases revolve around losing a piece. So where goes the difference? Sacrifices are made by the player in order to safeguard his one valuable piece while forgoing another one for the greater good. While blunders are committed, unconsciously most of the time in which the player lets go of his prized possession whilst he being too focused on other priorities. It took me long to understand what each meant. And by the time I did…

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A tiny white butterfly at nature’s lap of greenery…

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