
Posts Tagged ‘hatred’

“Dear Girls,

The truth is, you are not enough. You are not the most beautiful girl around, you are not the smartest scholar, you are not the coolest chick around, you are not the sweetest lark around and most importantly, you cannot always satisfy everyone. Even for the ones who claim to love you, there will be some void that you won’t fill. So, that’s the story.

So what now? Frankly, beat it. Just fucking beat it. No matter what you do, there will be some flaw or the other. They might assume you to be selfish, label you as greedy; but you know who you are. And if they are high ambitious and not persuaded with you, let them live their lives and chase whoever the hell perfectionist they wished to be with. You don’t need to chase them around. You don’t have to prove yourself always. You are who you are, unique and precious. So just be the girl you are and someone with eyes who can appreciate the real you will come around.”

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We pen down letters

Craft words

But how often do we express our emotions?


We muse

We dream big

But how often do we think reality?


We talk of likeness

Express hatred

But how often do we show love?


We take birth

And then we die

But how often do we live our lives?

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Never hate a person so much that you end up falling in love with him. For there is a thin line between love and hatred.

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